Pakistani Freelancer Makes $10 Million By Selling a WordPress Theme

Pakistani Freelancer Makes $10 Million By Selling a WordPress Theme

Selling a WordPress theme can be a tricky job to do as a new developer or a freelancer but once you grasp the essential things to sprout sales, there seems to be no looking back.

Remember Muhammad Haris, the Pakistani freelancer behind Avada WordPress theme? Today marks a new milestone for Theme Fusion – the makers behind the most sold WordPress theme on Envato’s ThemeForest marketplace.

Muhammad Haris and his team mate Luke Beck have made a whooping $10 million USD by selling a WordPress theme they have been calling Avada. At the time this article was written, Avada had received 180,451 sales and it costs $59 for a regular license. An extended license of Avada costs about $2950.

Envato, the parent company behind ThemeForest broke the news on a blog they made earlier today.

Freelancers make millions by selling a WordPress Theme
An image from the theme showcase at ThemeForest

A few years back I covered the story of the two freelancers who had just made $1 million by selling Avada at that time. Within the next two and half years time, the team has been able to sell even more copies of the theme making $10 million overall and that’s not even the end of it. The theme can be sold as many times as a new buyer places the order.

On ThemeForest, Muhammad Haris and Luke Beck have restricted themselves to Avada only. They have no other products showcased on their ThemeForest store. Often freelancers sell multiple items including WordPress Plugins, WordPress themes etc.

The Guys Behind Theme Fusion

Haris is a Pakistani freelancer working out of his home in Lahore, Pakistan. He started ThemeFusion with Luke Beck whom he met online back in 2011. He majorly writes the code for Avada.

Muhammad Haris Pakistani Freelancer
Muhammad Haris can be seen working from his home in Lahore


Luke Beck is a US based designer with extensive experience in print design and web design. Luke has designed the interfaces and layouts of Avada theme. Apart from Theme Fusion, Luke also has a personal store at ThemeForest where he sells PSD templates.

Luke Beck with his family
Luke Beck with his family

In their own words:

What is Theme Fusion?

We’re a creative web design team founded by Luke Beck and Muhammad Haris that specializes in Premium WordPress Themes and Plugins.

What is ThemeForest?

The #1 marketplace for premium website templates, including themes for WordPress, Magento, Drupal, Joomla, and more. Create a website, fast.

What is Avada?

Avada is the Swiss Army Knife of WordPress Themes. It does everything.

What is Envato?

Envato is an ecosystem of sites that help people be creative. Learn about our services, meet the team, and find out about the company.

Buy Avada WordPress Theme

Avada is showcased on ThemeForest. You can buy the theme here.

Tips on Selling a WordPress Theme

Muhammad Haris and Luke Beck gave an interview to Envato about their experience and gave some tips on selling a WordPress theme and freelancing in general. You can read the interview here.

Imran Hunzai Avatar

5 responses to “Pakistani Freelancer Makes $10 Million By Selling a WordPress Theme”

  1. Muhammad Wahab Avatar
    Muhammad Wahab

    really great job and also share you skills with other to spread the freelancing in Pakistan and soon i will start a blog for Pakistanis people and spread the knowledge freely in Pakistan

    1. Imran Hunzai Avatar

      Do let us know about your project. Would love to cover it.

  2. designwordpress Avatar

    Great job and thanks for the info.

  3. jery Avatar

    Nice work ! most helpful info thanks for this post please check my site.ideaswp

    Thanks again

  4. rasheed ahmad Avatar
    rasheed ahmad

    ma na bhi ya wali job karni haa Online i am graphis desiger

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