Announcing the 60-Day Free Blogging Challenge

Announcing the 60-Day Free Blogging Challenge

I have been away for a good one year which is why you haven’t seen much content on this website. In September last year, I co-founded a video production company called Diran Productions here in Islamabad. It took us a while to setup, land a few clients and deliver some of the early small-scale projects.

This new venture required me to travel a lot, like a lot! which is why I was mostly restricted to work-related activities and couldn’t really focus on this blog.

This doesn’t mean I have been cut off all together from the world of blogging and digital marketing. I did a series of short training sessions in Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Sialkot, Faisalabad and Sargodha. It was a great opportunity to meet you and grown up people alike who are quite curious to make use of the digital realm and make a living out of it.

The youngest trainee I had during these sessions was a 6th grade kid who already knew about things like SEO and affiliate marketing. The oldest one was a 65-year old retired banker who was just getting started with the basics on how the internet operates.

This whole experience has been quite overwhelming. It is an exciting time to be part of the journey of so many young and old people who want to start a blog or setting up an online business.

During these sessions, I found out that it is one thing to tell someone about something but it’s quite different to actually sit and make them understand how to do that. Take, for example, creating a free blog on

If I go around telling how to do that, I would take less than five minutes. However, showing how to start a blog practically is a game of patience. In countries like Pakistan where internet is still not widely accessible, even if it, we have the lowest of speeds in the world, it adds to the miseries of the enthusiast wannabe bloggers.

This is why, I decided to do the 60-Day blogging challenge where absolute beginners, who have access to the internet and have a PC or a laptop or event a smartphone, could start their blog from scratch and actually learn to convert in into a profitable brand.

The course is totally free and is completely email based which means you will have to subscribe to a list to get started. It would require you around 1-2 hours of daily time but you can catch your own pace and learn things the way you feel comfortable.

The course will cover the very basics like what blogging actually is, how can you setup a blog on WordPress, what is SEO and why it is important, how you can monetize your blog, what SMM is and finally how you can convert your blog into a brand for the long run.

The challenge is also an opportunity for me to get back to Earnistan, update my existing knowledge (things change a lot in one year I swear) and get prepare for my first e-book about the very topic of blogging.

So what are you waiting for? Signup now to start with the challenge and let me know what you think using the comments box below.

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